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​​We offer a 14-month Develop residential program for men and women coming out of crisis, poverty, addiction or incarceration. This is a difficult program designed to help people who really want to change their life. It isn’t easy but it’s worth it. 


Living at One Eighty is more like joining a big (sober) family than starting a program. Recoverees earn increasing levels of independence as they explore how to build a thriving life filled with positive relationships and purpose. While in the program, we provide:


  • Housing and basic needs including food benefits, state insurance, and medical/mental healthcare

  • Preparation for future employment through 7 months participation in career training in order to build skills, work ethic, and references. Assistance finding employment after completion of career training.

  • Consistent support and coaching from a case manager and people in recovery

  • Family-like atmosphere with deep relationships

  • Lifeskill classes on things like budgeting, relationships, employment preparation, nutrition, self-care, and communication

  • Support groups including regular sessions with our mental health advisor, working on recovery skills, and help healing from trauma

  • Spiritual formation through Bible studies and church

  • One-on-one mentoring

  • The opportunity to develop a new sober identity, positive thinking patterns, patience, and purpose

  • Access to long-term sober living after graduation

  • Free (room rent is charged if/when a person has income)




See what a day in recovery looks like at One Eighty

How to Apply​

  • Complete an application found here or available in our office, or mailed by request. You can return your application online by hitting submit or to the following:

  • Keep in mind, the application is purposefully intensive and explains the program in detail.

  • Once the application is submitted, One Eighty staff will reach out to the potential recoveree to schedule an interview, typically within 3-4 days. We visit local jails for this purpose.

  • Once the intake interview is completed, our staff will inform the person if they are accepted (typically within a week). Acceptance is based on a number of factors including bed availability, the potential recoveree’s apparent readiness to work toward recovery, and the fit of the person within our existing community.

  • After an application is submitted, you may follow up with our staff about an application at

    • Men’s Home: 563-293-5931

    • Women’s Home: 563-424-6468​​

Stability Housing

Upon successful completion of the program, residents can choose to live in stability housing. This is affordable, safe, clean, sober housing that is near the campus (within walking distance) to allow them to stay connected. We know that addiction is a lifelong battle for most and staying connected is so important. 


Affordable Housing

Home ownership changes communities. We offer a “rent with the option to buy” program for some of the families identified by Davenport Schools along with graduates of our program. We utilize our One Eighty Enterprises to renovate old, abandoned or otherwise undesirable houses and turn them into amazing homes for deserving families! Families pay an affordable rent and within a certain amount of years will have the ability to own a home debt free! It also beautifies neighborhoods and gives kids a stable environment setting them up to succeed. 

© 2024 One Eighty

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